Water Heater Pop-Off Valve

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Replacement Water Heater Pop-Off Valves

Do you need to replace your water heater‘s pop-off (T&P) valve? U-Gotta Plumber can take care of that job for you or anything else involving your water heater. Our licensed and insured technicians can install a replacement T&P valve for your water heater with ease.

Any questions? Call us at (770) 284-8530. All our work is under warranty and we offer discounts for seniors and military veterans.

What is a Water Heater Pop-Off Valve?

Every water heater, either gas or electric, should have a temperature and pressure relief valve, which is commonly called a pop-off or T&P valve. Your water heater is not safe without one of these valves. It’s so important that many states require factories to install a T&P valve rather than leaving the decision up to the installer or homeowner.

The pop-off valve is crucial because a water heater is a pressurized tank and therefore needs a way to release pressure if it becomes too great. As water is heated, it expands and increases pressure. If something goes wrong and the tank overheats, the pressure could rupture the tank. To prevent this from happening, the T&P valve monitors both water temperature (maximum 210 degrees) and tank pressure (maximum 150 psi) and opens if either one gets too high.

The T&P valve is the only protection against both excess pressure and high temperatures. Both electric and gas water heaters have thermostats. Electric heaters also have an overload switch (the red button above the top thermostat). However, if your city raised its water pressure without telling you and your water heater was set at a high temperature, the tank could rupture. Without a working T&P valve, a pipe could blow off the heater (after its plastic or solder melts) or the tank could even explode.

The overflow pipe that drains from the T&P valve needs to be rated to withstand this high temperature and pressure. The preferred material for the valve is copper but other acceptable materials include galvanized steel or CPVC rated to withstand 150 psi and 201 degrees (this is NOT standard white PVC).

Don’t risk more damage by attempting to deal with the T&P valve on your water heater yourself! Contact U-Gotta Plumber right away if you think anything is wrong with your water heater or its pop-off valve.


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(770) 284-8530

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Serving all of East Atlanta, U-Gotta Plumber specializes in residential plumbing and commercial plumbing. 24/7 emergency services. Licensed, bonded and insured. Upfront pricing on all jobs. Call for a free estimate.

Serving the Loganville, GA area, U-Gotta Plumber specializes in residential plumbing and commercial plumbing. 24/7 emergency services. Licensed, bonded and insured. Upfront pricing on all jobs. Call for a free estimate.